Tuesday, October 18, 2016

How to Keep the Pain Away at Work

Neck and back pain are becoming more prevalent at the office.

80 percent of Americans have jobs that consist of little to no physical activity.  Neck and back problems are the second leading cause of disability in the US – and the leading cause of job-related disability, costing us more than $50 billion each year.  You can’t quit your job, so what can you do to help stop lingering pain?
1.  Sit Up Straight
Whether we realize it or not, we have a tendency to slouch at our desks.  Even more so when we’re using a mobile device.  The biggest problem is not paying attention to our posture on a daily basis.  Without even realizing it, we could be the cause of our own back pain.  Make an effort to sit up straight!  This could be as simple as putting a reminder in your phone or email.
2. Raise Your Chair
Adjust the height of your chair so that you’re just able to keep your feet flat on the floor.  This will help put your back and neck into a more upright position.
3.  Adjust Your Keyboard and Computer Monitor
When a keyboard and monitor are too low, your body will naturally slouch.  The ideal keyboard position keeps your arms parallel with the ground and your elbows at your side.  Your monitor should be situated so that your eyes are hitting the top third of your screen at all times.
4.  Work Standing Up
Have you seen the new desks that allow the height to be adjusted for sitting or standing?  These are marketed to consumers as an easy way to increase circulation and improve productivity.  Standing up while you work can also encourage correct posture.
5.  Buy a Posture Correcting Seat Cushion
These are designed to straighten and align your back.  By elongating your spine, you loosen up tension and age without a hunch.  
6. Stretch When You Can
Certain neck and back stretches can help reduce and sometimes, even eliminate pain.  They can be done at your desk or during your break.  Doing these stretches on a regular basis will keep your mind and body sharp.

Hopefully following one, or two, or more of these tips are able to alleviate some of your neck and back pain while at work.  Try to make these a part of your routine until they start to become healthy habits.  Doing the little things now can pay off later down the road!  
If the pain continues, consider VIVA Patch.  The flexible and form-fitting design sticks with you from your morning commute to the time you clock out.  The reduced scent formula won’t overwhelm your office with menthol.  Both you and your co-workers will be happy that you asked your provider about VIVA Patch!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Breast Cancer Awareness Month Hits Home At Terrain

A few weeks into my sophomore year of high school, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. Her mother had lost the battle 15 years earlier, so we knew the possibility existed. But you still never expect something like that to happen to you and your family. What came next is a true testament to the strength and courage displayed by those who must endure the physical and emotional challenges of cancer.

First, she had lumpectomy surgery. That was followed by a mastectomy. While in recovery from her mastectomy, the doctors discovered that 8 of the 10 lymph nodes they removed were enlarged. This meant that the cancer had spread into her rib cage and liver. This is when the doctors told my father to start “making arrangements.”

She started to fight back with four aggressive treatments of chemotherapy. That’s when she lost all of her hair, including her eyebrows and eyelashes. After those first four treatments, the doctors decided to give her a break with the two remaining treatments. These two treatments were what the doctors described as “a walk in the park” compared to the first four. As luck would have it, her body reacted poorly. She lost all of her fingernails, toenails, and even the skin on her palms and the bottoms of her feet. Then she began 28 straight days of radiation therapy.

Through it all, she kept her head held high. When my father and I offered to show our support by going bald, she adamantly protested (and won). I’d sit in the waiting room during her treatments. Each and every time she’d come out with a smile on her face, like nothing ever happened. She wouldn’t let cancer get in the way of being a wonderful wife, mother, sister, friend, and co-worker to those lucky enough to be in her life – all while fighting another battle with her insurance provider who tried to label her situation as a pre-existing condition! And six long months after her initial diagnosis, she was finally deemed cancer free.

She is not alone in her experience. Each year, hundreds of thousands of women are diagnosed with this terrible disease. Tens of thousands of women and families are not as fortunate as we were 14 years ago. For me, every October is a reminder of this. For my mother, every day is a reminder.

My mother, my family, and the entire Terrain Pharmaceuticals family want to offer our support to those of you who have been affected by breast cancer. If there is anything we can do for you and your family, please do not hesitate to reach out. We’ve been down this road before and we’d like to help others do the same.

Kyle-Operations Manager at Terrain Pharmaceuticals

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

FAQ-Injection Treatments

Terrain Pharmaceuticals is committed to maintaining a proactive approach to patient education – and by extension, patient safety.  Keep reading below for three common questions patients have about injection treatments.

Why do some injections hurt more than others?
Answer:  The two most common types of injections are subcutaneous and intramuscular.
With a subcutaneous injection, the needle is usually thinner and the injection is dispensed just below the surface of the skin – into the subcutaneous layer of tissue.  This is the more comfortable injection for the patient.

An intramuscular injection is given in the muscle, which is under the subcutaneous tissue – so a larger, longer needle is needed.  By nature, muscles are firmer than tissue.  Therefore, in order to dispense the medication or vaccination, more pressure must be applied to ensure the needle has reached the muscle.  This means a more uncomfortable injection for the patient.

Why do some injections have a burning sensation?
Answer:  There are two simple answers to this question.  The first is that a nerve may have been hit during the injection.  While this doesn’t generally occur – it is more of a “fluke” – if it happens once, you should by no means expect it to happen again.
The most common reason for a burning sensation during your injection is the specific medication or vaccination you are receiving.  There are several medications that are known to “burn.”  

A few examples:
  • Some medications are very acidic and conflict with the natural alkalinity of your body.  The increase in pH causes the burning sensation.
  • The alcohol used to clean the injection site can be the cause of the burning sensation.  You can ask the provider to wait until the alcohol has dried before administering the injection.
  • Some medications such as propofol, an anesthetic used for surgery, just cause a burning sensation for no rhyme or reason.  Not everyone will experience this.

Is there something I can do before an injection to make it more comfortable?
Answer:  Many times, the pain caused from an injection is anxiety.  In reality, most injections do not hurt any worse than being pinched (subcutaneous) or getting hit in the arm with volleyball (intramuscular).  Neither one of them actually hurt, it’s just the anticipation of knowing you’re getting a shot causes you tense up – especially if you are one of the millions of people who can’t stand the thought of needles.  

Below are some tips to help calm yourself before an injection:
  • Look away, so you don’t see the needle
  • Take slow, deep breaths
  • Think of anything to take your mind off what is happening – call it your happy place!
  • Try to keep your muscles relaxed as much as possible
  • And remember that an injection usually takes less than seven seconds – it’ll be over before you know it!

If you have any other questions or topics you’d like to see for future postings, please feel free to contact us on our LinkedIn or Facebook page.  We will stay in touch!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Pain Pills-The Painful Truth

There are a handful of reasons why you should choose alternative pain relief treatments.

Pain is usually treated with a pill.  In many ways, this is a problem.  For starters, pills don’t act fast enough.  They must first travel through the body before taking effect.  That alone can cause severe internal issues.  Even worse, continued use of oral medications could ultimately lead to devastating consequences such as habit, dependence, or addiction.
Pills go down the esophagus and settle in the stomach.  Not only does this delay the desired relief, it may also eventually impact the digestive system Over time, swallowing pills can lead to ulcers, bleeding, or perforation (holes) in both the esophagus and the stomach.
Prescription painkillers cause even more harm to millions of Americans every year.  Opioid drugs in particular work by interfering with, and blocking, the signals of pain being sent to the brain.  These leave the body in an altered state.  Oddly enough, they do not actually treat any symptoms – the user only experiences a perception of pain relief.
When those signals are triggered too many times, the body creates a tolerance to the drug.  Now a larger dose is needed to achieve similar results.  Then a habit starts to form, and abuse begins.  This is when the risks increase dramatically;
Opioid addiction and overdose are on the rise.  From 1999 to 2010, prescription pain reliever overdose deaths increased 265% among men – and more than 400% among women.  Drug overdose is the leading cause of accidental death in the US.
At Terrain Pharmaceuticals, we focus on alternative pain management solutions.  Whether you need an over-the-counter topical ointment or topical patch, or your conditions require a doctor to provide injection treatments – our commitment to patient safety and product quality sets us apart from the competition.  We want every patient suffering from pain to enjoy comfort and relief.
LidoPro® Ointment and LidoPro® Patch are topical pain relievers that stop pain and reduce inflammation.  Both products apply directly to the skin for fast and long-lasting relief.  VIVA Patch is a new topical pain relief patch designed as a cost-effective alternative solution.  This patch combines lidocaine and the NSAID methyl salicylate with camphor for safe and effective relief at a fraction of the cost.  ReadySharpTM is an injection brand that treats several other symptoms of chronic pain.  Each single-use treatment is administered by your doctor or physician. 
Talk to your provider today about LidoPro®, VIVA Patch, ReadySharpTM, and Terrain Pharmaceuticals.  Or you can reach out directly to us – we’re always here to help.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

VIVA Patch Is Here!

VIVA Patch — Safe and Effective Topical Pain Relief

Designed to soothe on contact, VIVA Patch delivers powerful pain relief where you need it most. Whether you suffer from stiff joints, inflammation, or sore muscles – VIVA Patch is here to help.
Three key active ingredients — Lidocaine 2.5%, Camphor 2%, and Methyl Salicylate 4% — fight the pain, reduce inflammation, and provide hours of relief.

1. Lidocaine 2.5%

Lidocaine is an anesthetic that blocks the nerve signals being sent through the body. When applied as a topical agent, lidocaine works onsite to numb the pain. It is a highly effective pain reliever used to treat any number of symptoms and conditions. Some newer topical pain relief products contain lidocaine as the only active ingredient. VIVA Patch adds two more.

2. Methyl Salicylate 4%

Methyl salicylate is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). NSAIDs, as the name suggests, relieve pain by reducing the inflammation surrounding it. Methyl salicylate is ideal for joint and muscle pain. There aren’t many topical patches available that contain both lidocaine and methyl salicylate. The combination of anesthetic and NSAID properties in VIVA Patch provides the patient with superior, long-lasting relief.

3. Camphor 2%

Camphor is the analgesic component in VIVA Patch. Topical analgesics relieve pain by acting as a counterirritant. Camphor adds a cooling sensation that increases the blood flow and stimulates the nerve endings to distract the patient from pain. The unique combination of all three active ingredients makes VIVA Patch the only topical patch of its kind.

The Benefits to Patients

  • Fast Acting – VIVA Patch activates on contact. Don’t let pain slow you down!
  • Deep Penetrating – VIVA Patch targets your pain directly at the source. 
  • Flexible & Form-Fitting – the self-adhesive gel sticks to your skin, and stays there!
  • Reduced Scent – pain free or scent-free? How about both! Enjoy a peaceful relief.

The Benefits to Doctors and Physicians

  • Cost-effective and SAFE over-the-counter alternative to provide your patients.
  • Dedicated customer service team for easy ordering – and to answer any questions.
  • Efficient supply chain model to ensure product quality and patient safety.
  • Professionally designed documents available for you and your practice.

Patients can contact their local provider – and providers can reach out to their management company or distributor. Or you can contact us below to learn more about why VIVA Patch is right for patients and providers alike. Additional information can also be found, HERE

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Our VP of Operations to Speak at the 14th Annual Global Logistics Forum!

Nick Nading With Terrain Pharmaceutics Speaks At Largest Cold Chain Event In The World! 

We are pleased to announce that our very own Nick Nading has been invited to speak at the 14thAnnual Cold Chain GDP & Temperature Management Logistics Summit in Boston, MA this September! Nick will be part of two guest speakers which will lead a roundtable discussion on Distribution Models for Small, Mid-Size, and Startup Companies. 

Here are just some of the topics that will be addressed at the conference:

  • Identifying, analyzing, and managing the risks that threaten product integrity
  • Exploring innovative cost-reduction strategies without jeopardizing product quality
  • Tackling specific logistical challenges by shipment size, product type, and temperature range
  • Understanding the challenges in regards to new facility start-up, board of pharmacy licensing, and temperature controlled transport

As an emerging drug manufacturer, we work tirelessly to stay ahead. This certainly includes regulatory compliance within the supply chain. Nick’s presence at the summit adds even more knowledge to our portfolio. “I’m ecstatic to have been given this great opportunity,” says Nick. “We’re talking about the #1 Cold Chain event in the world. I can’t think of a better place to represent Terrain Pharmaceuticals.”-Nick Nading, VP of Operations

We are always adapting to the changes in our industry. Each change allows us the chance to evolve our company to better suit your needs. This is why we feel very confident when we say that we’re well beyond our competition. To find out more about what Terrain Pharmaceuticals is doing, please feel free to reach out below.

PH: 877-985-8377

Email: info@terrainrx.com

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Why is Our Injection Kit So Convenient?

We wanted ReadySharp to be as convenient and easy as possible for your clinic.  Our team asked for advice from physicians in several fields before creating a product that stood out from the rest.  This allowed us to provide you with the most efficient experience you could expect from an injection treatment set.
Are you wasting precious time trying to track down the items needed for a procedure?  Let ReadySharp do the work for you!  Everything you need for an injection is under one roof, including the needles and syringes.  Minimal set-up means quicker procedures – and more patients each day.
No more lost time, only increased productivity.  Save your inventory for other procedures.  What you need is where you need it and when you need it with ReadySharp!
Our dedicated customer service staff makes it easier than ever to order an injection set.  Shortly after you place the order, you will receive confirmation and tracking information.  The next day, ReadySharpTMis at your door!
Our lines of communication are always open.  We welcome and appreciate your feedback, good or bad. If you have any input on how to improve our product, please let us know!
Together, these two reasons let you focus on what matters most – helping patients.  We combine convenience and ease while stressing safety and quality.  From ordering to final treatment, you can count on ReadySharpTM!
Contact us today to see just how convenient and easy it really is!
Phone: 877-985-8377

Stay Active This Summer at Lake Tahoe!

It is no secret that exercise can improve and maintain your overall health.  The CDC says, “Scientific studies have shown that participation in moderate-intensity, low-impact physical activity improves pain, function, mood, and quality of life without worsening symptoms.”  Outdoor activities are a great way to stay active while enjoying some fresh air.

We are located just a short drive from beautiful Lake Tahoe.  What better place to be outside?  With the mountains, the water, and 300 days of sunshine, there are several options to choose from!  Who says exercise can’t be fun?
Skiing and Snowboarding-Lake Tahoe is home to nine world-class ski resorts They all offer a variety of ways to climb and fly back down the mountain.  It’s easy to work up a winter sweat in Tahoe!
Hiking and Mountain Biking-Turn off the phone and become one with nature!  The nearby mountains are an ideal escape.  With hundreds of miles of trails ranging from easy to difficult, you are sure to find plenty of room for your workout!
Golf-A relaxing way to take in the stunning Sierra Nevada scenery.  There are dozens of courses to play around the lake.  On the right day, you can even ski in the morning and golf in the afternoon!
On the Water-Tahoe is the largest alpine lake in North America, known for its panoramic views. From kayaking and paddle boarding to scuba diving, there is plenty to do with all that beautiful blue water.  Maybe even take a stroll along the 71 miles of shoreline!
But don’t stop exercising once you leave the lake!  Here are some examples of moderate and vigorous activities you can do back at home:
Moderate –
  • Walking
  • Yoga
  • Yard work
Vigorous –
  • Running
  • Bicycling
  • Swimming
Movement is key.  Don’t let yourself get into a slump – get out there and enjoy the fresh air!  If you need help along the way, LidoPro® is here for you!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Understanding Needle Phobia

Injections are given in many medical settings.  They are used to administer vaccines and donate blood or as anesthesia and precise pain relief.  Sadly, 24% of adults and 63% of children are afraid of needles.
This can lead to severe anxiety and stress for patients.  It can even stop people from getting the injections they need.  For example, patients may refuse an annual flu shot or routine blood tests just to avoid a triggering situation.  In rare cases, 3-5% of women and 1-2% of men are naturally inclined to being light-headed or even fainting at the sight of blood and needles
Patient health and safety are the most important concerns for clinics.  Approaching needle phobia correctly can make all the difference.  Education is most effective when started at a young age.  For most people, phobias develop around age 4 or 5.  Strong doctor-patient relationships combat any fears children could have when a needle is involved in a procedure.  Providers must be mindful to remove as many anxiety triggers as possible before performing an injection.
Creating a comfortable environment for patients can also mean innovations in needle equipment.  With ReadySharpTM, injections are made simple.  Each ReadySharpTM tray provides exactly what is needed for a single-use treatment in one package:
  • injectable medicines,
  • needles and syringes,
  • three povidone-iodine swabsticks,
  • one pair of gloves,
  • one gauze sponge,
  • and one adhesive bandage
All of this allows for less preparation in front of the patient and a quicker treatment process, reducing the chances of needle trauma.  With the proper education, a trusted relationship, and ReadySharpTM, clinics can help put their patients minds at ease.  
To learn more, please visit our website or contact us below.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

How To Help Fight Youth Prescription Drug Abuse

Millions of Americans suffer daily with chronic pain.  This pain can make even the simplest tasks difficult and significantly impede everyday life.  Many who endure chronic pain must turn to their doctors for relief.  The solution is most often to take a pill.  

Although prescription opioids have their place in pain relief, it’s clear doctors have been overprescribing in recent years.  Since 1999, sales of these medications have quadrupled.  In 2013, enough opioid prescriptions were written for every adult in America to have their own bottle of pills.

Regular use can cause extreme dependence and lead to overdose and death.  Between 1999 and 2014, 165,000 people died from opioid overdose.  They are also often a stepping stone to street drugs such as heroin.  Sadly, four out of five heroin users started out by abusing prescription painkillers.

Opioid Abuse in Youth: The Facts

A group with severe exposure to the opioid epidemic are youth.  Although youth can be prescribed opioids, abuse is most often from non-prescribed pills.  In 2014, 467,000 youth used nonprescription painkillers and 168,000 were clinically addicted.

So why do young people use opioids?  They might believe pills prescribed by a doctor are safer or more acceptable than street drugs.  It is also believed that opioids are popular with the younger generation becasause  they use it to help them cope with social, emotional and academic stress.  This can lead to destructive patterns and life-long dependency.

Reducing Opioid Abuse

There are several ways to reduce prescription drug abuse in youth.  One way is to keep the pills out of their hands by storing opioids in locked containers.  The most common method for minors to receive prescription medications is through a friend or relative.  Never give prescriptions to someone else.  This increases the chance of pills ending up in the hands of kids, encouraging abuse and addiction.

It’s also important to properly discard unused or expired pills.  One way to throw out opioids is to crush them and combine the waste in a bag with unwanted materials, such as used coffee grounds.  The best way to remove opioids from the home is through a drug take-back program.  There are certified drop-off centers around the country where you can take your medications for safe disposal.

Our solution to cut opioid abuse in youth calls for a shift in the way pain is treated.  This starts with LidoPro®.  LidoPro® Ointment and LidoPro® Patch are topical pain relievers, meaning each ingredient is absorbed through the skin.  Our formula acts on your specific pain areas to bring rapid and lasting relief.  LidoPro® is safer for the consumer and non-addictive, limiting your child’s exposure to potential abuse.  We pride ourselves in creating sustainable pain relief products designed to limit the circulation of opioids.  To join our effort against prescription drug abuse in youth, please contact us to learn more and order today.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Patient Safety

Patient safety is our top priority at Terrain Pharmaceuticals.  Every measure is taken to ensure the end-user is treated safely and effectively.  Each product is tested to prove it maintains integrity from start to finish.  This begins with our topical brand of pain relief.  Our specially designed formula was developed to curb the negative side effects commonly associated with oral medications, more specifically oral NSAIDs.
NSAIDs, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, are used to control pain and inflammation.  They work by blocking enzymes in the body that help make chemicals that signal pain.  When these enzymes are blocked, you feel less pain.  The consequences of ingesting oral NSAIDs vary from heartburn and nausea to allergic reactions and intestinal bleeding.  Higher risks of these side effects are linked to those over the age of 60, people prescribed with medications for high blood pressure, or women who are pregnant or nursing.  Our specialty is blocking pain, but we are also committed to the safety of each consumer.
Topical administration significantly reduces the above side effects of NSAIDs.  Our products allow for direct application to your specific area of pain.  Isolating the source also encourages faster and more effective relief.  The efficacy and reliability of our LidoPro® brand is certified through weeks of testing before and after manufacturing, including a 40-day clinical trial.
Prior to production, the bulk formula is sampled multiple times in a 28-day period to validate no formation or growth of various microorganisms such as S. aureus and E. coli.  Once the results are accepted, we run additional tests to confirm the stability of the finished product.  These confirm that the active ingredient strengths on our labels are maintained and various properties such as pH and viscosity remain in a specified range.  After all testing is approved, our quality team releases the lot and maintains lot specific documentation.
Before the first tube of LidoPro® Ointment was ever brought to market, we sent the formula to a lab for clinical trials.  Individuals aged 18-60, were provided samples of LidoPro® to apply below their shoulder. After weeks of applications and rest periods, monitored by trained laboratory personnel, ZERO subjects reported an adverse reaction of any kind.  The results concluded in this study matched our expectations; LidoPro® shows no identifiable signs or symptoms of irritation or contact allergy.  Lab Tested, Patient Approved!
After taking a behind-the-scenes look at what goes into each and every lot of our LidoPro® product line, we hope that you will trust our brand like several thousands of others have for years! 
Please contact us if you have any additional questions or comments. We love to hear feedback!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

4 Ways Terrain Is Making Injections Safer

Injections are among the most common healthcare procedures worldwide; therefore, meeting minimum safety standards is vital to protect against avoidable transmission of disease or injury. Many organizations promote safe injection practices. Some of these include the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Safe Injection Practices Coalition (SIPC), and the World Health Organization (WHO).
At Terrain, we support these measures and recognize that by providing physicians the necessary supplies, we can assure the safe and proper use of our injections. Here are just a few of their recommendations and how we address each one:
To endorse this, we provide one needle and one syringe for each drug included in every ReadySharp product. This is a quick and easy, yet essential addition to keep the patient safe
  • Manage the waste associated with dirty syringes and needles in a safe and appropriate way.
With each needle and syringe we provide, also comes a leak and puncture resistant sharps disposal for instant and secure removal of hazardous waste. This also reduces any dangers related to needle-stick injuries
  • Healthcare personnel should select the smallest vial necessary for their needs when making purchasing decisions and only use FDA-approved medicines.
Every drug contained within our injection sets are FDA approved. Each injection set is assembled at a FDA compliant facility. All drugs chosen for ReadySharp are the smallest vials available to consumers
  • Use and maintain aseptic technique during handling, storing, preparation and administration of injected medicines and injection equipment.
We pride ourselves on employing the necessary procedures and processes to Maintain Regulatory Standards Throughout The Supply Chain. Every treatment tray is sealed with a patented microbial film to prevent contamination and preserve integrity.
Your safety is our top priority. This is why, as seen above, we take each step to protect that safety. We will continually work to be ahead of the curve to ensure your overall health.
For more information, call 877-985-8377 or email info@terrainrx.com.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Next Evolution in Injection Treatment Arrives

Injection sets just became more convenient. We are proud to announce the release of ReadySharp injection sets, available for preorder on February 22, 2016.  Along with each enclosed FDA-approved drug comes a needle, syringe, and leak- and puncture-resistant sharps disposal Every tool you need for point-of-care treatment is at your fingertips.  Nitrile exam gloves, alcohol prep pads, povidone-iodine swabsticks, gauze, and an adhesive bandage are all sealed within a patented microbial film to prevent contamination. “We have developed an injection set that every physician can appreciate,” says James Maher, Chief Executive Officer and Founder.  “ReadySharp is a treatment that stresses convenience, but never sacrifices safety or quality.”
ReadySharp injection sets are assembled in an FDA-compliant, ISO-certified facility.  The finished products are stored in two state-of-the-art, temperature-controlled warehouses.  “We made it our mission to leave no stone unturned along the supply chain,” says Nick Nading, Vice President.  “Patient safety is always the top priority, even more so when prescription medicines are involved.”
With the initial launch of only four specific ReadySharp drug combinations, we are pleased to save you time and money.  Real market value was studied to determine the cost and reimbursement structures for each ReadySharp product. Logical rates accurately reflect the true price on each drug and non-drug component, which allows for consistent returns.
The unique, professionally designed logo is easily recognizable for clinics and distributors alike.  Created by engineers, ReadySharp packaging holds four treatment trays inside a dispenser box that looks great in your office. Cases of ReadySharp are sized perfectly for your bulk inventory.
Our main focus is providing high quality and innovative specialty pharmaceutical products to physicians and pharmacies. We are a rapidly-growing cGMP, FDA, and CFR-compliant company located in beautiful Reno-Tahoe.  As an established FDA-approved drug manufacturer, we provide healthcare practitioners with unique products aimed at treating patients safely, effectively, and enabling them to return to productivity as quickly and efficiently as possible. 
Terrain Pharmaceuticals has put in countless hours to bring you the most preferred injection sets on the market. Once you try the ReadySharp brand of injection sets, traditional kits will be a thing of the past. To learn more about why ReadySharp is the ideal fit for your business, please visit our newly unveiled website and preorder today!
For more information, call 877-985-8377 or email info@terrainrx.com for your ReadySharp™ pre-order today.