Tuesday, September 27, 2016

FAQ-Injection Treatments

Terrain Pharmaceuticals is committed to maintaining a proactive approach to patient education – and by extension, patient safety.  Keep reading below for three common questions patients have about injection treatments.

Why do some injections hurt more than others?
Answer:  The two most common types of injections are subcutaneous and intramuscular.
With a subcutaneous injection, the needle is usually thinner and the injection is dispensed just below the surface of the skin – into the subcutaneous layer of tissue.  This is the more comfortable injection for the patient.

An intramuscular injection is given in the muscle, which is under the subcutaneous tissue – so a larger, longer needle is needed.  By nature, muscles are firmer than tissue.  Therefore, in order to dispense the medication or vaccination, more pressure must be applied to ensure the needle has reached the muscle.  This means a more uncomfortable injection for the patient.

Why do some injections have a burning sensation?
Answer:  There are two simple answers to this question.  The first is that a nerve may have been hit during the injection.  While this doesn’t generally occur – it is more of a “fluke” – if it happens once, you should by no means expect it to happen again.
The most common reason for a burning sensation during your injection is the specific medication or vaccination you are receiving.  There are several medications that are known to “burn.”  

A few examples:
  • Some medications are very acidic and conflict with the natural alkalinity of your body.  The increase in pH causes the burning sensation.
  • The alcohol used to clean the injection site can be the cause of the burning sensation.  You can ask the provider to wait until the alcohol has dried before administering the injection.
  • Some medications such as propofol, an anesthetic used for surgery, just cause a burning sensation for no rhyme or reason.  Not everyone will experience this.

Is there something I can do before an injection to make it more comfortable?
Answer:  Many times, the pain caused from an injection is anxiety.  In reality, most injections do not hurt any worse than being pinched (subcutaneous) or getting hit in the arm with volleyball (intramuscular).  Neither one of them actually hurt, it’s just the anticipation of knowing you’re getting a shot causes you tense up – especially if you are one of the millions of people who can’t stand the thought of needles.  

Below are some tips to help calm yourself before an injection:
  • Look away, so you don’t see the needle
  • Take slow, deep breaths
  • Think of anything to take your mind off what is happening – call it your happy place!
  • Try to keep your muscles relaxed as much as possible
  • And remember that an injection usually takes less than seven seconds – it’ll be over before you know it!

If you have any other questions or topics you’d like to see for future postings, please feel free to contact us on our LinkedIn or Facebook page.  We will stay in touch!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Pain Pills-The Painful Truth

There are a handful of reasons why you should choose alternative pain relief treatments.

Pain is usually treated with a pill.  In many ways, this is a problem.  For starters, pills don’t act fast enough.  They must first travel through the body before taking effect.  That alone can cause severe internal issues.  Even worse, continued use of oral medications could ultimately lead to devastating consequences such as habit, dependence, or addiction.
Pills go down the esophagus and settle in the stomach.  Not only does this delay the desired relief, it may also eventually impact the digestive system Over time, swallowing pills can lead to ulcers, bleeding, or perforation (holes) in both the esophagus and the stomach.
Prescription painkillers cause even more harm to millions of Americans every year.  Opioid drugs in particular work by interfering with, and blocking, the signals of pain being sent to the brain.  These leave the body in an altered state.  Oddly enough, they do not actually treat any symptoms – the user only experiences a perception of pain relief.
When those signals are triggered too many times, the body creates a tolerance to the drug.  Now a larger dose is needed to achieve similar results.  Then a habit starts to form, and abuse begins.  This is when the risks increase dramatically;
Opioid addiction and overdose are on the rise.  From 1999 to 2010, prescription pain reliever overdose deaths increased 265% among men – and more than 400% among women.  Drug overdose is the leading cause of accidental death in the US.
At Terrain Pharmaceuticals, we focus on alternative pain management solutions.  Whether you need an over-the-counter topical ointment or topical patch, or your conditions require a doctor to provide injection treatments – our commitment to patient safety and product quality sets us apart from the competition.  We want every patient suffering from pain to enjoy comfort and relief.
LidoPro® Ointment and LidoPro® Patch are topical pain relievers that stop pain and reduce inflammation.  Both products apply directly to the skin for fast and long-lasting relief.  VIVA Patch is a new topical pain relief patch designed as a cost-effective alternative solution.  This patch combines lidocaine and the NSAID methyl salicylate with camphor for safe and effective relief at a fraction of the cost.  ReadySharpTM is an injection brand that treats several other symptoms of chronic pain.  Each single-use treatment is administered by your doctor or physician. 
Talk to your provider today about LidoPro®, VIVA Patch, ReadySharpTM, and Terrain Pharmaceuticals.  Or you can reach out directly to us – we’re always here to help.