Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Patient Safety

Patient safety is our top priority at Terrain Pharmaceuticals.  Every measure is taken to ensure the end-user is treated safely and effectively.  Each product is tested to prove it maintains integrity from start to finish.  This begins with our topical brand of pain relief.  Our specially designed formula was developed to curb the negative side effects commonly associated with oral medications, more specifically oral NSAIDs.
NSAIDs, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, are used to control pain and inflammation.  They work by blocking enzymes in the body that help make chemicals that signal pain.  When these enzymes are blocked, you feel less pain.  The consequences of ingesting oral NSAIDs vary from heartburn and nausea to allergic reactions and intestinal bleeding.  Higher risks of these side effects are linked to those over the age of 60, people prescribed with medications for high blood pressure, or women who are pregnant or nursing.  Our specialty is blocking pain, but we are also committed to the safety of each consumer.
Topical administration significantly reduces the above side effects of NSAIDs.  Our products allow for direct application to your specific area of pain.  Isolating the source also encourages faster and more effective relief.  The efficacy and reliability of our LidoPro® brand is certified through weeks of testing before and after manufacturing, including a 40-day clinical trial.
Prior to production, the bulk formula is sampled multiple times in a 28-day period to validate no formation or growth of various microorganisms such as S. aureus and E. coli.  Once the results are accepted, we run additional tests to confirm the stability of the finished product.  These confirm that the active ingredient strengths on our labels are maintained and various properties such as pH and viscosity remain in a specified range.  After all testing is approved, our quality team releases the lot and maintains lot specific documentation.
Before the first tube of LidoPro® Ointment was ever brought to market, we sent the formula to a lab for clinical trials.  Individuals aged 18-60, were provided samples of LidoPro® to apply below their shoulder. After weeks of applications and rest periods, monitored by trained laboratory personnel, ZERO subjects reported an adverse reaction of any kind.  The results concluded in this study matched our expectations; LidoPro® shows no identifiable signs or symptoms of irritation or contact allergy.  Lab Tested, Patient Approved!
After taking a behind-the-scenes look at what goes into each and every lot of our LidoPro® product line, we hope that you will trust our brand like several thousands of others have for years! 
Please contact us if you have any additional questions or comments. We love to hear feedback!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

4 Ways Terrain Is Making Injections Safer

Injections are among the most common healthcare procedures worldwide; therefore, meeting minimum safety standards is vital to protect against avoidable transmission of disease or injury. Many organizations promote safe injection practices. Some of these include the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Safe Injection Practices Coalition (SIPC), and the World Health Organization (WHO).
At Terrain, we support these measures and recognize that by providing physicians the necessary supplies, we can assure the safe and proper use of our injections. Here are just a few of their recommendations and how we address each one:
To endorse this, we provide one needle and one syringe for each drug included in every ReadySharp product. This is a quick and easy, yet essential addition to keep the patient safe
  • Manage the waste associated with dirty syringes and needles in a safe and appropriate way.
With each needle and syringe we provide, also comes a leak and puncture resistant sharps disposal for instant and secure removal of hazardous waste. This also reduces any dangers related to needle-stick injuries
  • Healthcare personnel should select the smallest vial necessary for their needs when making purchasing decisions and only use FDA-approved medicines.
Every drug contained within our injection sets are FDA approved. Each injection set is assembled at a FDA compliant facility. All drugs chosen for ReadySharp are the smallest vials available to consumers
  • Use and maintain aseptic technique during handling, storing, preparation and administration of injected medicines and injection equipment.
We pride ourselves on employing the necessary procedures and processes to Maintain Regulatory Standards Throughout The Supply Chain. Every treatment tray is sealed with a patented microbial film to prevent contamination and preserve integrity.
Your safety is our top priority. This is why, as seen above, we take each step to protect that safety. We will continually work to be ahead of the curve to ensure your overall health.
For more information, call 877-985-8377 or email info@terrainrx.com.